Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My momma's been praying for me

On Saturday evening, Lauren and I came home from Pittsburgh. We had been on vacation for two weeks and were coming home a day early so that we could get the house in order before going back to the grind of work and school. Lauren was driving (she had asked to!), and we were heading west on I-74 towards Greensburg. There was only one lane open due to construction, though no one had slowed down. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the cars in front of us stopped on the highway. (There were a few cars on our right where there was an opening in the cones for an exit, I believe, but neither Lauren nor I know if this was the cause for the stop.) At any rate, these cars suddenly stop on the highway, and Lauren has to slam on the brakes as hard as she can. The moment went by slowly. I can remember seeing how the headlights played off the lead car's bumper. We were rapidly slowing down, but would we stop in time? I thought we were certainly headed for a rear-end collision, one that would have certainly put our heads into the airbags. Thankfully, we stopped with but a foot or so to spare, the car jarring us back as the brakes took full hold.

Now, I can write all this and say, "Boy, I'm glad I had the brakes replaced a few weeks ago!" (I had and I did say so.) However, after we sped back up and when we got home safely, I led Lauren in a prayer of thanks to our God that He had sovereignly spared us from that collision. I have no doubt that those angels that are sent to be ministering spirits of our salvation protected us from injury and a dented hood.

God was sovereign over this incident and his foreordained plan was carried out. Yet, He not only ordained the end, he also ordained the means. And, for this, I thank God that both our parents and some good friends had prayed and were praying for our safety. Our Father which is Heaven was pleased to grant their request. Amen.

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