Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Abstinence Education Has Failed!?!

NPR reported today that abstinence education is not keeping teens from engaging in "risky business". Sexual behavior has reportedly grown in the last several years, and it doesn't surprise me. The major emphasis of sex ed. in school, according to my memory, is completely selfish and materialistic. "Do you want a baby?" and "You could get AIDS!" are the big scare tactics used in sex ed. classes. These things are really self-centered, I think, and they don't get down to a deeper problem with pre-marital sex: it's dishonoring to God, your family, and your future spouse. Perhaps a less egocentric view to purity would lead to better morality among teens, but since God has been forsaken in the public school system, it's unlikely that we'll find out. Oh, but I can talk to my own children about sex? Okay. I'll do that and not let Mr. Kinsey pervert them.

I heard the NPR thing, too. I thought it was interesting that they really didn't seem to have much of a case for what to actually *do* to prevent the risks that abstinence is supposed to mitigate against. They seem to be saying "abstinence doesn't work, because those teens who aren't abstinent are still having sex." They can't refute that abstinence *when actually practiced* does, in fact, prevent a whole host of sexually transimitted diseases, nor can they establish that anyone is actually damaged by choosing not to have sex.
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