Wednesday, September 29, 2004

La Boheme

A blogger asked me to report on seeing "La Boheme", and so I will. To tell you the truth, I didn't like it that much especially since I saw another of Giacomo Puccini's masterpieces, Tosca, during the summer. La Boheme's story is flat and not that surprising. I didn't find the music particularly thrilling either.

Basically, Rodolfo and Mimi, both bohemians in Paris, fall in love after five minutes of conversation. They have a rocky relationship, and then, someone dies! That's not for me. There was no meat. There was no jumping off parapets or bassist/assassins to liven up the show.

Perhaps the slight nature of the plot is reflective of the bohemian lifestyle, ie, no direction or meaning. That could be. Or, the story might just suck. I think that's better.

So, overall, go see a more thrilling opera, like Rigoletto or Tosca. You definitely get your money's worth with those shows. Skip La Boheme and go bowling or something.

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