Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'm Posting ?!?

Well, after a two month hiatus, I'm going to post a bit today since I have some time to do so. Let me update on some things that have happened since my last post.

1. Lauren and I have only three months until we get married. I think it's going to be both the longest and shortest three months of our lives. I hope we can enjoy this summer before we get married. Bloomington summers are great.
We have are apartment leased, plane tickets booked, honeymoon planned and taken care of, so we don't have that much to worry about. Lauren is really good at getting things done and helping me remember to get things done. She is going to a great "help-meet"!

2. Lauren had her senior voice recital. She sang magnificently, even though she was coming down with a cold at the time. She performed pieces in Italian, French, German, Latin, and English. My favorite was "Balm in Gilead", although I have to say that some of the German and French pieces were in the running for my favorite. She has copies of her recital, so if you know her and want one, send her an email.

3. I passed my black belt test. I am now a black belt in Ji Do Kwon Tae Kwon Do. Ji Do Kwon is the school of TKD thought that my school adheres to. It was a hard test, but it was worth it. My club's website.

4. In some of the saddest news this year, I found out that my beloved Upland brewery is having personnel problems. If worse comes to worse, there may be no delicious Upland Wheat ale soon. What a travesty!

More blogging to come :)

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